Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Falling Behind

Ugh!  I am in a bit of a slump.  Feeling like I have so much to do and not near enough time to do it all and do it well.  Where is the time going???

First of all, I cannot believe that the end of the school year is here and that my first born just graduated from preschool!  I just can't fathom how that happened so fast.  It's just insane.  But to celebrate we had a very small, informal get together with just a few close friends from school here at our house.  I tried to keep it very simple, therefore making it less time consuming and less costly, and I think I did a pretty good job of not overwhelming myself.  Usually when I plan a party I plan it big regardless of how many people will be in attendance.  I just can't do something half way, but I tried to scale things down a bit this time.  And fun was had by all!

So now with that little shindig behind us we are on to the last week of school for both girls.  That means teacher gifts, cards, thank you's, etc. and even though we contribute to the class gift funds I also like to do something small for the teachers so that the girls have something to give them on their last day.  I also write a personal thank you note to each teacher and I try to make sure that I am there on the last day to snap a photo of the kids with their teachers.  So with 2 kids in school and 4 teachers plus 2 administrators to give thanks to this week has been full of end of school year "stuff".  It's almost over!

When all of that is behind us we move on to A's 3rd birthday party, which is the day before Father's Day, so next weekend is going to be a busy one too!  I have so many ideas for both of these days that I almost can't keep them all straight.  Her party is going to be "Perfectly Pink" but as much as I am looking forward to it I am also stressing a bit because I feel like the party planning process is moving in slow motion.  I have a mile long list of things to do and most of those things are DIY projects that I haven't even started on yet.  And since we don't have a lot of extra money for grown-up gifts lately I also have to go the DIY route for Father's Day.  That makes for a lot of work for one momma.  

So for the next week I will be "Do-It-Myselfing" an awful lot.  In the end it will be worth all of my time and efforts but for now my head is spinning and I need to get caught up and organize my thoughts.  

Stay tuned for photos from all of my DIY projects and the pinkest party you've ever seen.

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