Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Perfectly Pink Party! Part 1

I can't believe that Addyson's birthday party was almost a month ago!  Where does the time go?  

Maybe I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that the party was over 3 weeks ago because a lot of the decorations are still gracing my living and dining rooms.  This is partially due to laziness and partially due to the fact that we were out of town for 8 days.  But mainly due to the fact that I just haven't had a lot of time to remove and store the decorations, and also because the remnants of the pinkest party ever really aren't bothering me at all.  I put a lot of time and effort into making most of the decorations myself so I'm still enjoying the fruits of my labor.  We don't have guests that often so I haven't had to worry about explaining to anyone why my house still looks like a Pepto Bismol factory exploded in it but I suppose it's finally time to say good-bye to the pinkalicious decor.

As I mentioned, I made most of the decorations myself so I will be posting DIY instructions with photos and other info but first here's a brief rundown on the party:
Awhile back I asked Addyson what type of party she would like to have and her emphatic response was simply - "PINK!"  I continued to ask her over the next few months and occasionally I would get a silly answer like "dinosaurs" along with a grin but most times her response was the same.  She was so excited to have her very own pink party and she loved looking at pictures on the internet with me.  I decided to keep it a simple theme and just go with "Perfectly Pink".  No princesses, fairies, or other characters - just pink!  And that's just how Addyson wanted it too.

As always when party planning I had more ideas than I could possibly use, and my initial plan was bigger than my budget so I knew that I was going to have to do almost everything myself.  I've actually started to enjoy the DIY projects that are involved in party planning and I've become quite crafty if I do say so myself.

So with the theme/color scheme set all I really had to do was be on the lookout for pink stuff!  I made the famous tissue pom poms in 2 shades of pink and various sizes and used pink/white striped scrapbook paper to make paper chains (such a nostalgic and easy project).  I also bought chip board letters to spell the word P-I-N-K and I painted them and then used my handy dandy glue gun to attached them to pink ribbon embellished with rhinestones to create a banner (in case anyone didn't notice that the theme was pink this spelled it out for them).  I also cut the number 3 from some cardboard that I found in our garage and then used more pink tissue paper to cover it.  I bought tons of pink balloons and made a balloon chandelier to hang above the kitchen table.  I had also planned to make a balloon banner but ran out of time and energy.  That is a very cool project though that I will use one of these days!

The fireplace mantel/niche was home to tissue pom poms, a PINK banner and tissue paper 3.

Number 3 made from cardboard and LOTS of tissue paper!

Chandelier made with 2 shades of pink balloons and fishing wire.

All of these things were easy, inexpensive and fun to make!  Tissue paper and balloons can be found just about anywhere in any color and there is so much you can do with them!  Fishing wire comes in handy for a lot of DIY projects too.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Perfectly Pink Party!  I'll be posting details and photos of the dining room table and decor along with the food and drinks soon.

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